
Exploring Narendra Modi’s Egypt Visit and Strengthening India-Egypt Bilateral Relations

Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Egypt on Saturday for a two-day visit. He directly flew to Cairo, the capital of Egypt, after his four-day trip to the United States. At Cairo Airport, he received a grand welcome by Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouly. This meeting between Modi and Madbouly holds great significance in the context of bilateral trade.

This year, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was our chief guest on our 74th Republic Day celebrations. In other words, within six months, there will be another meeting between the heads of both countries. Modi will also have the opportunity to meet people of Indian origin here. Apart from that, the Prime Minister will also visit the historic Al-Hakim Mosque, which is over 1,000 years old.

During his visit, Prime Minister Modi is expected to discuss various aspects of bilateral cooperation with his Egyptian counterpart. The focus will be on strengthening trade relations and exploring opportunities for mutual investment. Both countries have expressed keen interest in expanding economic ties, and this visit aims to further enhance collaboration and explore new avenues for partnership.

The discussions are expected to cover areas such as infrastructure development, energy cooperation, agriculture, tourism, and cultural exchanges. India and Egypt share a long history of friendly relations, and both countries see great potential in deepening their economic and diplomatic engagement.

Overall, Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Egypt underscores the importance of India’s relationship with Egypt and the commitment to strengthening ties between the two nations. The meeting between the leaders will contribute to furthering bilateral trade and investment and foster greater cooperation between India and Egypt.

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Egypt after 26 years

Egypt holds not only geographical and strategic importance for India but also great significance for the world as a whole. Since 1997, it is the first time that an Indian Prime Minister has had a meeting with Egypt. In an interview with Saudi Arabian newspaper ‘The National’, former ambassador Anil Trigunayat stated that Modi’s meeting showcases the strong relations between India and Egypt. Until now, almost every Indian President has visited Egypt during their official trips. Anil has previously served as India’s ambassador to Libya and Jordan.

Anil said, “Egypt has given great importance to India. It is the most populous country in Africa. Egypt is also important for India. The fact is that there are deep relations between the people of both countries. Since India’s independence, both countries have been connected in one way or another. Egypt has focused on trade and technology cooperation with India.”

In September, India has also extended invitations to Oman and the UAE after its planned participation in the G20 summit. This demonstrates how India has significantly increased its influence in this region.

Overall, Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Egypt highlights the growing importance of bilateral relations between the two countries. It signifies the efforts to strengthen ties in areas of trade, investment, and technology. Both India and Egypt recognize the value of their deep-rooted connections and aim to further enhance their cooperation in various sectors.

In the year 2022, on February 24th, Russia launched an attack on Ukraine, resulting in the most significant global food crisis to date. Ukraine is a country that supplies Egypt with the most food.

After the war began, the situation worsened. Egypt faced a looming famine crisis. The reason for this was that Ukrainian cargo ships could not reach other countries to fulfill their supplies, as they were stuck in ports. During this challenging time, India came to the aid of Egypt. The Indian government swiftly sent 62,000 tons of wheat to Egypt. Later, the Egyptian government expressed special gratitude to the Indian government through a formal diplomatic note.

Dual role and beneficial for us:

Egypt is a country that is recognized globally as a “Double Het” gateway. Essentially, Egypt is included in both the Arab and African countries. This means that if India enhances its influence here, it can also strengthen its position in Africa along with the Arab nations.

In the year 2021-22, bilateral trade between the two countries amounted to $7.26 billion. The significant point is that this figure increased by 60% from the previous year. Currently, Prime Minister Modi and President el-Sisi aim to elevate this trade to $12 billion within five years.

Egypt seeks to revitalize the Suez Canal in the economic sphere. This approximately 460-kilometer-long trade corridor encompasses six vital ports from Africa, Arabia, and Europe. China has been investing $1 billion in this project, which is part of its Belt and Road Initiative. India, being cautious about this matter, seeks to have more control here and further restrict Chinese dominance.

The Egyptian government desires India to increase its military presence as well. There are also discussions of a confidential military deal between the two nations. In January, both armies conducted joint exercises in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.

Akash Shrivastav

My name is Akash Shrivastav, and I am a Blogger. I have 8 years of experience in blogging for Finance, Business, Investment, Stock Market, Cryptocurreny and more. Through my writing, I aim to provide readers with insightful and informative content.