
Fatal Bus Accident: Driver Jumps Eight Feet as Tire Bursts on CCTV, Died on the Spot

During a gust of wind, a bus tire burst, causing the bus and its driver to plummet eight feet down. The incident occurred at the Banav Ajmeri Rupnagar area, resulting in fatalities at the scene. The harrowing scene of this incident was captured by a CCTV camera positioned near the driver’s cabin.

Bus from Rajwadi Travels Travels Between Surat and Churu, Breaks Down Near Daud, Sikar District:

According to the ASI Goparam at the Rupnagar police station, a bus from Rajwadi Travels was reported to be running between Surat and Churu. The driver of the bus, Boduram (38), who resided in Ganeshpura village near Dhoudh in Sikar district, was identified as the son of Bhuraram Jat. The bus was traveling between Surat and Churu, departing from Surat on Monday night. It had about 20-22 passengers on board for Churu. On Tuesday morning around 7 o’clock, the bus stopped near a roadside hotel to fix a puncture in one of the stepney tires.

tire blast bus

The ASI informed us that after the bus stopped near the hotel, passengers were having tea and snacks. Meanwhile, the driver Boduram was attending to the puncture in the stepney tire. Suddenly, during the inflation process, there was a sudden explosion due to the strong wind. The blast was so powerful that it threw the driver about 8 feet into the air, causing him to fall to the ground. The incident resulted in his immediate death at the scene.

The bus conductor placed the deceased body in a temporary morgue and rushed to the Rupnagar CHC in Rupnagar with the accident information. Upon receiving the details of the accident, the Rupnagar police station reached the scene and transferred the body to the mortuary of the Rupnagar CHC. After the arrival of family members, the post-mortem of the deceased was conducted, and the body was handed over to the relatives.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.