
Gujarat Connection to ISIS: ATS Arrests 21-Year-Old Local Youth in Porbandar

Recent Operations by ATS in Porbandar

Today, ATS apprehended a spy from Porbandar who was working for ISIS. The swift action by ATS has resulted in success in apprehending individuals associated with ISIS. Jatin Jeetendracharaniya from Subhashnagar area of Porbandar has been brought in for questioning.

Additionally, another Pakistani spy has been captured in Porbandar through anti-terrorism measures. This incident has once again brought disrepute to Porbandar due to its association with espionage aiding Pakistan. The apprehended spy will be remanded by the police for further investigation after being presented in court this evening. There is a possibility that more names related to espionage may emerge during the interrogation of the accused.

Note on ATS Operations

The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) is a specialized unit in India tasked with countering terrorism and related activities. They operate under state police forces and are responsible for investigating and apprehending individuals involved in terrorist activities and espionage.

Recent ATS Operations in Porbandar

According to police sources, on numerous occasions in the past, individuals residing in Porbandar and providing confidential information to Pakistan have been apprehended. Once again, the team of Gujarat’s Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) from Subhashnagar area of Porbandar has successfully apprehended Jatin Jeetendracharaniya.

Police sources reveal that this individual was providing sensitive information to the Pakistani intelligence agency ISIS via social media. He has been under the police radar for quite some time. After confirming several details, the police have now successfully apprehended him. He will be presented in court this evening. Further investigations will follow, and a remand application will be made. Legal proceedings, including FIR registration, are currently underway.

Porbandar has once again faced disrepute, with connections to ISIS being established. The Gujarat ATS swiftly apprehended an individual associated with ISIS. Jatin Jeetendracharaniya from Subhashnagar area of Porbandar has been successfully apprehended. He has been remanded for seven days for further legal proceedings.

Gujarat ATS Operation: Arrest of Jatin Jeetendrabhai Charaniya

Gujarat ATS Police Inspectors received confidential information that Jatin Jeetendrabhai Charaniya (age 21, residing in Subhashnagar, Porbandar) is involved in the fishing business in the coastal region of Porbandar. It was revealed that he has been in contact with a Pakistani agent under the name of Advika Prince for the last four months. Through Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Telegram, he has been passing on information regarding the Indian Coast Guard’s jetties and their vehicles to the enemy nation, Pakistan’s agents, in exchange for money. Furthermore, he has been engaging in activities against the interests of the country.

In light of this information, senior officials of Gujarat ATS sought guidance from Police Inspector Mrinal Shah, Police Sub Inspector D. V. Rathod, and Police Sub Inspector H. D. Vadhere, who have expertise in technical and human resources work. Accordingly, a team from ATS Ahmedabad has been brought in to investigate the matter.

During the interrogation, it was revealed that since January 2024, Jatin had been in contact with a Facebook profile under the name of Advika Prince. Advika Prince’s profile holder, claiming to be a woman, was known to Jatin Charaniya as residing in Porbandar, Gujarat, and engaged in fishing. Through regular chatting, establishing friendship, Jatin Charaniya gained Advika’s trust.

As per Advika’s request, Jatin Charaniya messaged her details about jetties and ships in Porbandar. Subsequently, he even made videos of the sea and the ships visible from the Indian Coast Guard’s jetties, sending them to Advika. In return, Advika paid Jatin a total of INR 6000 in installments. Following Advika’s instructions, Jatin Charaniya initiated chatting on Advika’s Telegram account.

Verification and Further Investigation: Jatin Charaniya and Pakistani Female Agent Advika Prince

Upon verification of the above information, it was found that many chats between Advika and Jatin Charaniya on Facebook Messenger and Telegram accounts had been automatically deleted within 24 hours due to privacy settings. Jatin Charaniya, as per Advika Prince’s request, had also sent videos and details about Indian Coast Guard ships through Facebook Messenger. Additionally, Jatin Charaniya has deposited a total of INR 6000 in small amounts into Advika’s bank account. Furthermore, following Advika’s instructions, Jatin Charaniya had also engaged in chats on her WhatsApp account, which was operated from Pakistan.

Based on the above information and evidence, it is evident that Jatin Charaniya and Pakistani female agent Advika Prince have been exchanging sensitive and confidential information related to the resources of the Indian Coast Guard in a clandestine manner. Consequently, Gujarat ATS has registered a case under ATS PS 3/24 IPC sections 121-C and 120-B against them and is conducting further legal proceedings.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.