
ISRO’s Lunar Success Sets Stage for Ambitious Sun Mission

Chandrayaan-3’s lander Vikram has set foot on the moon. India has become the first country in the world to make a soft landing on the South Pole of the Moon. After reaching the moon, now it is the turn of the sun. ISRO scientists have also made preparations for this. Aditya L-1 may be launched to reach the Sun in the month of September.

This process of space and sky exploration does not stop here. After this, two more powerful space missions like NISAR and SPADEX will be launched.

  • Testing of all the payloads (instruments) of this satellite sent to observe the Sun has been completed. It will be reviewed soon. If all goes well, it can be launched into space in the first week of September.
  • Solar coronal ejections, or flares from the Sun’s upper atmosphere, will be analyzed by Aditya L-1. These flares affect our communication networks and electronic activities on Earth.
  • America, Germany, European Space Agency have sent a total of 22 missions from around the world to explore the Sun. Most missions have been sent by the American space agency NASA.
  • NASA launched the first Sun mission Pioneer-5 in 1960. Germany sent its first mission to the Sun in 1974 in collaboration with NASA. The European Space Agency sent its first mission together with NASA in 1994.
  • The NISAR satellite will provide information on tornadoes, storms, volcanoes, earthquakes, melting glaciers, sea storms, wildfires, sea level rise, agriculture, wetlands, ice loss.
  • This satellite will also get information about the garbage accumulated around the earth and the threats coming to the earth from space. Will monitor the growing and decreasing number of trees and plants. NISAR will also be able to get information about lack of light and its increase.
  • The high-resolution images from this satellite will help the Indian and US governments monitor glaciers in the Himalayas. It may also help the government to keep a tight watch on India’s borders with China and Pakistan.
  • ISRO will launch two initial space missions by the end of the year under its first human space-flight mission ‘Gaganyaan’. One mission will be completely unmanned. In the second mission, a female robot called ‘Vyomamitra’ will be sent.
  • The objective of the initial mission is to ensure that the Gaganyaan rocket returns safely on the same path it will take. That is, only after its success, humans will be sent into space in 2024.
  • A third mission could send two humans on a space flight. These people will stay in space for 7 days. For this mission, four Indian Air Force pilots were sent to Russia and trained at the Space Training Center.
  • Astronauts going into this space will be called ‘Gugnauts’. One out of four pilots in the Indian Air Force is a Group Captain. The remaining three are wing commanders, who are being prepared for the Gaganyaan mission. Now he will be trained in Gaganayan module in Bengaluru.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.