
Rahul Gandhi Visits Barber Shop, Shares Video Highlighting the Struggles of Poor and Middle-Class Families in Today’s India

Rahul Gandhi shared a video on Twitter in which he visited a barber shop. In the video, Rahul is seen getting a shave. Alongside the video, he wrote, “Kuch nahin bachta hai” (“Nothing is left”). These words reflect the story of every working poor and middle-class individual in today’s India.

The barber, named Ajit, runs this salon in Delhi. He told Rahul that he works all day to save some money in the evening. Ajit also expressed that he felt happy and satisfied after sharing his story with Rahul.

Rahul Gandhi went to the barber shop on Friday.

Ajit Reflects on the Past: A Conversation with Rahul Gandhi

Ajit told Rahul, “There was peace during the Congress rule. We used to believe that our future would be better, but we remained where we are. What can we do? We are disabled. We just pass the days like this. 

The future of our children is at stake. We were very happy during your rule. There was peace under Congress. No one supports the poor like us. After meeting Rahulji, I felt a lot of relief.”

Rising Inflation: A Threat to Laborers’ Dreams

Rahul wrote, “Rising inflation has snatched away the dreams of working-class people. From barbers to cobblers, potters to carpenters, dwindling incomes and increasing inflation have taken away the aspirations of laborers, their shops, their homes, and their dignity. 

Today, there is a need for modern solutions and new schemes that will increase income, restore savings in households, and create a society where talent is rewarded and every step of hard work leads you to new heights of progress.”

Rahul Gandhi's Gesture: Supporting a Cobbler in Need

Rahul Gandhi’s Gesture: Supporting a Cobbler in Need

Three months ago, Rahul Gandhi visited a cobbler’s shop in Uttar Pradesh. While returning from attending court in Sultanpur in August, he unexpectedly stopped his convoy at a cobbler’s shop. After getting out of the car, Rahul approached cobbler Ramchait and helped him stitch sandals. Rahul asked Ramchait how he makes shoes, and after chatting with him for about five minutes, he left.

Ramchait told Rahul, “I am poor. Please help me a little.” In response, Rahul sent a sewing machine to Ramchait, which costs over one lakh rupees. Later, Ramchait began stitching boots and sandals using this machine.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.