
Wedding Drama Unfolds: Gun-Wielding Group Abducts Bride, Enacts Film-Like Scene

In a chilling account from Dahod, Gujarat, a groom named Rohit narrates how his bride was forcefully taken away from him by a group of 20 armed individuals. He recalls the traumatic moment when they seized his bride from the wedding car at gunpoint, leaving him and his family petrified. 

Despite their attempts to intervene, the sight of weapons in the hands of the kidnappers instilled fear in them. Now, they seek the intervention of the police to bring back his bride safely. This incident, reminiscent of a movie plot, unfolded in Dulha, Dahod, disrupting the joyous atmosphere of a household where a wedding was supposed to be celebrated. 

Such incidents, usually relegated to the realm of fiction, became a grim reality for the family. Rohit, the groom, had gone to Madhya Pradesh to marry a young woman, and instead of returning home with happiness, he faced this shocking ordeal. 

The detailed account of this incident was shared by Dulha and his family with Source, shedding light on the harrowing sequence of events.

Groom Rohit and bride Usha.

Bride Abducted During Commute

In a shocking turn of events, Usha was abducted while en route to Jalapada village in Madhya Pradesh for her wedding. Amidst the journey to Madhya Pradesh to solemnize her marriage, she was intercepted by a group of 20 to 25 individuals on motorcycles. 

They began overtaking Dulha’s car and started issuing threats. Displaying firearms, three individuals forcibly removed the bride from the car. Subsequently, they opened the doors and abducted the bride, Usha, taking her away on their motorcycles.

Groom Rohit Amaliar

Bride Abduction Unfolds Like a Movie Scene

The entire incident unfolded right before Dulha’s eyes. Initially, he and the guests couldn’t comprehend what was happening as the bride was being taken away. The perpetrators brandished weapons, including firearms, and issued threats, instilling fear in Dulha and the guests. 

The current chaos in Dahod, where bride abductions are occurring in a cinematic fashion, has left everyone in a state of shock.

Police Round Up Suspects in Bride Abduction Case

Following a complaint lodged by Dulha Rohit Babubhai Amliyar, the police took action against the accused. Mahesh Nawat Bhuria, residents of Patra Sub-Medhanagar Madhya Pradesh, Nilesh Loban Bhabhor, Naresh Bhabhor, all from Gudikheda Sub-District-Dahod, Shailesh Babu Mavi, Jitendra Naresh Bhabhor, and ten other motorcycle riders from Pitol Madhya Pradesh, were charged under IPC sections 365, 120(B), and 143 for the crime. 

Moreover, police teams, including those from across the Dahod district and the border areas of Madhya Pradesh, conducted extensive investigations. As a result, two suspects have been rounded up from among the accused.

Abduction on the Road: Dulha’s Testimony

Dulha Rohit Amliyar recounted how they traveled from Bhativada to Jalapada village. Upon their return journey, they reached Navagam Crossroads. There, they encountered 20 to 25 individuals armed with weapons, including revolvers. 

These armed men overtook their car and blocked their path, positioning their vehicle in front of theirs. Subsequently, brandishing a revolver, they abducted Dulha’s bride. Four to five individuals kidnapped her. When asked why they stopped their car, they were threatened, and then robbed. Police action is currently underway.

Uncle’s Account: Harrowing Experience

Rameshbhai Amliya, Dulha’s uncle, recounted that it was his niece’s wedding, so they went to bring her back. By 6 o’clock, the wedding was completed, and they were on their way back with the bride. Upon reaching near Navagam Crossroads, they were intercepted by a group of people on motorcycles. 

These individuals blocked their car with their bikes, claiming they had come suddenly. They were then stopped and accused of arriving unexpectedly. They were halted, and after that, the key of their Bolero was snatched away. A revolver was brandished, causing fear among all. 

Subsequently, the door of their car was opened, and three to four individuals forcibly took the bride out of the car. They were armed. They then rode off on their bikes, taking the bride and the car key with them, making it impossible for them to pursue. They reported the incident to the police station over the phone and later filed a complaint in person.

Alert: Bride’s Abduction!

Dulha’s uncle, Kiranbhai Amliya, reported that they had gone to bring the bride in the morning. Following the customs of our community, they had arranged for the wedding. 

However, upon returning home, they received a phone call informing them that someone had abducted the bride. Upon learning this, they immediately went to the police station to file a complaint.

Mass Abduction Incident: Disturbing Revelations

Dulha’s father, Babubhai Amliya, disclosed that they were on their way back after completing the rituals. As they approached the four roads in Navagam, a group of 30 to 35 people intercepted them. They blocked the path by positioning their bikes ahead of the vehicle. All bikes surrounded the car, making it impossible to move. 

When all the bikers stepped aside, there were about 60 people, creating a formidable blockade. They abducted the bride and fled, leaving the family in shock. Consequently, they immediately reported the incident to the police station.

DySP Leads Multiple Teams to Investigate Abduction

Jagdish Bhandari, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP) in Dahod, has revealed that yesterday, an incident occurred in which a person from Bhatiwada village was abducted and taken to Jalapada village in the rural expanses of Dahod. 

When the victim was returning, she was intercepted midway, near the crossroads of Navagam, by several individuals riding bikes. Subsequently, they forcibly took the bride away after stopping the car. In response, four individuals from Dulha’s family and others lodged complaints against unknown individuals.

Consequently, the police initiated a comprehensive search operation with various teams, conducting thorough investigations and interrogations. Suspicion surrounds individuals from Madhya Pradesh, specifically those associated with Jalapada village. 

Given the proximity of Jalapada to the victim’s village and the suspects’ location, further investigations are underway to ascertain the truth behind this abduction.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.