
Unlock Affordable Travel: Visa-Free Entry to 4 Countries, Flight and Hotel Tips Under 20K INR!

In recent times, Thailand, Malaysia, Iran, and Sri Lanka have announced visa-free entry for Indian travelers. This has simplified the process of traveling to these countries for Indian tourists, making it more accessible. Except for Iran, trips to the other three countries can be budgeted within the range of 20,000 to 22,000 rupees.

Key Components to Consider for Budget Travel

If you’re aiming to keep a close eye on overall travel expenses, three main components should be prioritized:

  • Transportation
  • Accommodation
  • Sustenance

By managing these expenses wisely, you can significantly reduce the overall cost of your journey. Therefore, for those planning international travel, we provide insights into securing affordable flight tickets, booking hotels, and handling currency exchange – crucial aspects to consider when planning your trip.

Strategies for Booking Cheap Flight Tickets

Start Early: According to travel blogger Varun Vagish, initiating flight searches 2-3 months before the planned travel date is advisable. Booking flights as soon as affordable options become available can lead to considerable savings.

Look for Budget Airlines: When seeking flights, especially if you don’t have a specific destination in mind, exploring various possibilities can increase your chances of finding the cheapest option. For example, if you reside in Bhopal and wish to travel to Kuala Lumpur, booking a round trip can cost approximately 28,000 rupees. However, opting for a destination change, such as Vishakhapatnam, could reduce the cost to around 12,000 rupees.

Use SkyScanner and Similar Websites: Websites like SkyScanner can aid in finding the most economical flight tickets. Instead of searching for tickets from Bhopal to Kuala Lumpur, try searching for flights from India to Malaysia, and choose the month for travel instead of specific dates. This strategy often unveils the cheapest options. Keep in mind that the rates on these websites may vary, so cross-check with the airline’s official website for potential additional discounts.

Private Browsing: When booking flight tickets, always use the private browsing mode to avoid cookies influencing the displayed prices based on your previous searches. Maintaining privacy while searching for tickets can help you secure a more accurate and potentially cheaper deal.

Book Tickets Midweek: While there’s no strict rule, generally, prices tend to be higher towards the end of the week. Therefore, booking tickets on weekdays, specifically from Monday to Friday, may increase your chances of getting a better deal.
Use Local Transportation

When traveling to another country, using private taxis can become expensive. Therefore, opting for affordable local transportation options like buses, domestic flights, and trains can be cost-effective. Depending on your travel plans, you can even book domestic flight tickets within the country before reaching another city.

Booking Affordable Accommodation

For accommodation, primarily consider three options: hostels, hotels, and staying with locals. Staying with locals can be free, while hostels are often cheaper than hotels. You can book a budget hostel through websites like, where you can choose based on ratings and prices. In cities like Kuala Lumpur, hostels can be found for 500-800 rupees per night. If hostels aren’t preferable, you can also book hotels based on ratings and rates.

Couchsurfing for Free Accommodation

To stay with locals for free, you can use websites like Couchsurfing. Create an account on Couchsurfing, where many hosts accommodate travelers. Staying with locals not only provides a better understanding of the city but also allows you to try local food.

Getting Affordable Food

Staying with locals or in hostels often includes free or affordable meals. Additionally, you can buy packed items from supermarkets or find inexpensive restaurants using Google search. This helps in minimizing food expenses.

Currency Exchange and SIM Card

For currency exchange, you have two options: withdraw money from ATMs at the local airport or use the currency exchange counter at the airport. You can also get a travel SIM card at the airport by providing a copy of your passport. This ensures you have local currency and a SIM card for communication upon arrival.

A Trip to Malaysia for 20,000 Rupees

If planning a 3-day trip to Malaysia, including round-trip expenses, accommodation, meals, and sightseeing, the cost will be around 22,000 rupees. The estimated breakdown is approximately 17,000 rupees for tickets, 2,000 rupees for accommodation, 1,500 rupees for meals, and 1,500 rupees for miscellaneous expenses. If considering a trip to Kuala Lumpur instead of Lanka, the cost can be even lower, around 20,000 rupees.

Rahul Sharma

My name is Rahul Sharma. As a passionate writer and explorer, I'm always seeking inspiration in lifestyle, fashion, beauty, food & drink, and travel. With years of experience in the industry, I bring a unique perspective to my writing, blending my love for culture, style, and adventure.