
Girnar Mountain: 120 Shops Closed, Plastic Bottle Ban Implemented

Following a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed in the High Court requesting action against pollution caused by single-use plastics on Girnar, the court directed the Junagadh Collector to take action. Subsequently, the Collector issued a public notice imposing a ban on carrying single-use plastics to Girnar. However, to ensure that tourists visiting Girnar do not face inconvenience in getting drinking water, various organizations and social institutions provided 600 water bottles to traders conducting business on Girnar. Despite this, traders had to close down 120 shops on Girnar today. They have demanded an alternative arrangement, either through the installation of water facilities or allowing the sale of water in plastic bottles again.

Switching to Water Carboys Instead of Plastic Bottles

A PIL was filed in the High Court a while ago by vigilant citizens regarding pollution on the Girnar mountain due to plastic. The High Court had then directed the appropriate disposal of pollution on the Girnar mountain. Additionally, the High Court had also directed the formation of a committee to address the issue of plastic. As a result, two months ago, traders on Girnar were instructed not to sell plastic bottles and to provide drinking water through water carboys.

Compulsions of Maintaining Water Supply

Although arrangements were made to provide water to tourists through carboys, it is not feasible for travelers arriving here to buy water from carboys as it costs ten rupees per glass, which is unaffordable for them. Consequently, tourists are disappointed and troubled by the lack of adequate water supply on Girnar mountain. On the other hand, traders are also not obligated to maintain carboys as they are not reimbursed for the expenses incurred, prompting them to demand the sale of water in plastic bottles again, along with traders’ demand for charging a fee for providing water through carboys.

Demand for Alternative Solutions to Address Plastic Issue

The issue of plastic on Girnar mountain has remained unresolved despite repeated attempts through legal means. The system has failed to establish proper water supply arrangements on Girnar mountain through the mechanism, which has led to resentment among traders. The lack of adequate water supply is also not conducive to the visitors’ needs. While traders are currently suspending their business activities due to the ban on plastics and seeking alternative solutions, the question remains as to how the water supply will be managed for the visitors arriving on Girnar today, amidst the closure of traders’ businesses and employment.

“Water Bottles Should Be Brought from Home,” Suggests Sanjay Koradia

Addressing the water scarcity issue on Mount Girnar, MLA Sanjay Koradia informed Divya Bhaskar that visitors should bring water bottles from home for daily use during their journeys here. This suggestion comes as a response to a court order imposing a ban on plastic, which is being enforced through mechanisms to ensure compliance.

“Traders Should Provide Water in Glass or Clay Bottles”

It has been further suggested that traders should provide water to travelers in glass or clay bottles. Upon their return, these bottles should be collected. This initiative aims to address plastic pollution on Mount Girnar without affecting the convenience of tourists. The government has approved 25 crore rupees for providing water on Mount Girnar, subject to approval from the Forest Department. Technical inspections of the site are currently underway to facilitate approval through the technical mechanism.

“Factories Should Be Shut Down Instead of Using Plastic Bottles”

Local traders informed that the authorities have suggested shutting down factories to halt the production of plastic and to provide water instead. When tourists visit Mount Girnar and purchase chocolates, they receive water in reusable containers. Plastic factories sell their products here, but plastic bottles are not provided to pilgrims. The first step in addressing this issue is to shut down plastic factories. Tourists visiting Mount Girnar are urged to hide their thirst with bottled water.

“Traders to Offer Bore Water Here”

Local traders have not faced any water-related issues until now, but for the past eight months, they have stopped selling water. The authorities have provided traders with a bore well through a scheme. Laborers fill water and deliver it to Mount Girnar, but devotees demand mineral water instead. Traders are hesitant to sell bore water to pilgrims. When the district collector visited, it was suggested that traders provide bore water here.

Ensuring Quality: Emphasizing Filtered and Mineral Water for Future Generations

Until now, no provision has been made regarding this matter. Jayendra Chavda, Vice President of the Girnar Business Association, stated that it has been suggested through the mechanism that traders will be provided with facilities for water pipelines and water tankers. However, it is essential to consider filtered and mineral water for future generations. Currently, traders receive water through pipelines, but as this water is not filtered, how will traders conduct their business? The mechanism is prepared to support traders; now it is prepared to support the mechanism.

Collector to Receive Application: Request for Plastic and Water Issue

Mohanbhai Dabhi, a trader from Girnar, mentioned that today, we have closed more than 120 shops of traders in Girnar. Traders are going to submit applications to the collector to request for a ban on water and plastic issues.

Traders Receive Water Jug Kits

It is noteworthy that following the High Court’s order, 600 traders on the Girnar mountain were given water jug kits by the Forest Department, authorities, lawmakers, members of parliament Usha Breko, and the Savani group regarding the plastic ban issue. Even at this time, a monitoring team was formed to ensure that tourists do not carry plastic on the Girnar mountain.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.