
Pharmacy Professors and Students Required to Link Aadhaar to Council Portal After 75-Year Regulation Shift

In the field of pharmacy education, a substantial decision has been made to bring about a major transformation. After 75 years, students and professors in pharmacy colleges who apply for and award degrees will now have to link their details on the Pharmacy Council of India’s portal. The Pharmacy Council of India has made this decision to eliminate fake students and professors.

Verification of Aadhaar-Based Students and Professors

The Pharmacy Council of India has introduced a significant change 75 years after its establishment. Verification of Aadhaar-based students and professors will be mandatory in pharmacy colleges across the country and private universities. All students and professors will have to link their Aadhaar cards on the council’s portal. Failure to comply will result in the removal of bogus students and professors. If caught, they will face disciplinary action by the college.

Recruitment of New Pharmacy Professors

The President of the Pharmacy Council of India, Montu Patel, has announced that improvements have been made to provide quality education in pharmacy. Under the new policy, recruitment of new pharmacy professors will take place, and colleges will now be obligated to pay salaries to professors according to the law. Colleges violating the rules will face strict action under the Pharmacy Act.

Major Decision Taken Two Months Ago

A significant decision was taken two months ago to crack down on the pharmacy mafia. Even after 75 years, amendments were made to the pharmacy act under the Jan Vishwas Bill by the Indian government. Strict actions will now be taken against those violating the act, with a penalty of INR 1 lakh for pharmacists using their registration for operating medical stores illegally. Previously, the penalty was INR 1,000 with a six-month imprisonment.

Access to Medicines from Pharmacists in Villages

Montu Patel, the head of the Pharmacy Council of India, has announced that the government has empowered the State Pharmacy Council and the Pharmacy Council of India. Pharmacists violating the rules will face a penalty of INR 1 lakh for the first offense, INR 2 lakh and a three-month suspension for the second offense. This law ensures that people in villages can also get medicines from pharmacists. Pharmacists without proper certification won’t be allowed to sell medicines.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.