
Dangal Actress: How to Safeguard Immunity, Avoid Antibiotics-Steroids Overdose

Actress Suhani Bhatnagar, renowned for her role in the blockbuster film ‘Dangal’, passed away at the age of 19. She succumbed to a rare disease called dermatomyositis.

Treatment Complications and Health Deterioration

The management of this rare illness was solely possible through steroids. However, prolonged use of steroids weakened Suhani’s immune response. This led to increased infections and fluid accumulation in the lungs. The severity of her condition escalated to the extent that even oxygen levels on a ventilator steadily declined, ultimately resulting in her demise.

Previous Medical Complications and Current Health Crisis

Suhani had previously suffered from pneumonia, for which she had been administered high doses of antibiotics. Consequently, her immune system was compromised, paving the way for dermatomyositis to significantly impact her life, exacerbated by steroid overdosing.

Awareness on the Risks of Antibiotics and Steroids

Today, in the news, we’ll explore how antibiotics and steroids, when administered gradually, can lead to fatalities.

Understanding Dermatomyositis and Its Implications

  • What is dermatomyositis?
  • What are the risks of antibiotics?
  • Can steroids be fatal?
  • How can we ensure our safety while using these medications?

Insights from Experts

  • Dr. Deepti Shukla, Principal Medical Officer
  • Dr. Avadhesh Sharma, Senior Cardiologist

Q: What is dermatomyositis?

Answer: Dermatomyositis is a rare disease characterized by red rashes on the skin, weakened muscles, and increased fatigue. The exact cause of dermatomyositis is unknown. However, its symptoms often coincide with autoimmune diseases, where your body’s own antibodies attack healthy cells. Think of it as soldiers responsible for protecting the state turning against their own territory. Overuse of antibiotics can also trigger this condition.

Q: When are antibiotics prescribed, and how do they work?

Answer: Antibiotics are highly effective in managing diseases caused by bacteria. They work in two ways.

They eliminate bacteria causing illnesses within the body and weaken them. They also assist in controlling the growth of all bacteria in the body according to necessity, combating against harmful bacteria.

Antibiotics: Potential Risks and Misconceptions

Q: When do antibiotics become harmful?

Answer: Not every illness is caused by bacteria. People are using antibiotics for diseases caused by viruses as well. For instance, antibiotics are being used for infections in the respiratory tract, sore throats, sinuses, pneumonia, and ear, chest, and skin infections. The use of antibiotics is risky for health.

It starts destroying all the bacteria present in the body, including those fighting against infections. It exposes the body to the risk of resistance to harmful bacteria. Furthermore, antibiotics are prepared to protect against harmful bacteria. Later, they become ineffective against them. This affects the immune system adversely.

Q: Can antibiotics have detrimental effects on the body’s organs?

Answer: According to Dr. Deepthi Shukla, Principal Medical Officer at Armapur’s Princeps Medical Office, antibiotics can have a harmful impact. They can cause severe pain and fever in patients. They also affect the heart, muscles, and bones. Overuse of antibiotics can lead to liver and kidney failure.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, it may take up to six months to correct the damage caused by antibiotics. Even then, the body’s energy level doesn’t return to normal. The body’s resistance to diseases weakens. The risk of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s increases. Sometimes, these medicines can also cause death.

Q: What are steroids, and when should they be used?

Answer: Steroids are generally known as anti-inflammatory drugs. However, they should only be used in emergencies. They should not be administered in high doses. They can cause infections in patients. They affect the heart, liver, kidneys, and muscles. Sometimes, it all adds up to the point of becoming fatal.

Q: How can you keep your health safe?

Answer: The easiest and most accurate way to keep your health safe is to take medication cautiously.

  • Avoid taking antibiotics for colds, fevers, or any infections without a doctor’s advice.
  • Do not buy any medicine without a doctor’s prescription.
  • Inform about your previous illnesses during treatment.
  • Avoid using steroids by watching social media posts.
  • Take steroids only after consulting a senior doctor.

Anusha Aggarwal

My name is Anusha Aggarwal. With a deep fascination for the science behind health, hair care, skin care, and body care, I'm a dedicated writer committed to helping readers achieve optimal wellness. Through years of research and personal experience, I provide expert insights into the latest trends and techniques in the beauty and wellness.