
Tragic: 8-Year-Old’s Throat Slit, Left in Bushes – Brave Child Seeks Help, Police Rush to Hospital

In a shocking incident, a father allegedly slit his own daughter’s throat and callously discarded her amidst bushes, hoping she would succumb to the grievous injuries. However, the resilient child managed to rise and seek help from passersby, leading to her prompt rescue and subsequent hospitalization with the assistance of law enforcement. This harrowing event unfolded on Monday near the Milan Marriage Hall in the Koh-e-Fiza area, around 10 PM, as reported by the police. The suspect has been apprehended, and investigations into this disturbing matter are currently underway.

Brave Act: Seeking Help Despite Adversity

Assistant Sub-Inspector Ram Prakash revealed that 8-year-old Preeti Lodhi, after being led out of her home by her father Tej Singh Lodhi under the pretext of visiting her paternal grandparents, was instead taken through the Koh-e-Fiza area near Milan Marriage Hall. There, her father allegedly silenced her and callously threw her amidst the bushes, strangling her. As passing vehicles witnessed the scene, the father fled the spot, leaving his daughter bleeding profusely. 

Despite the dire circumstances, the resilient child sought assistance from a passing motorcyclist, prompting the police to be notified and the girl to be swiftly hospitalized. Her condition remains critical.

Kohfiza police station.

Preeti, Daughter of the First Wife of the Youth

Station House Officer Brajendra Marskole disclosed that inquiries into the accused are currently underway. During initial questioning, the accused asserted that he was greatly troubled by the child, enduring constant distress from her throughout the day. Allegedly, she refused to heed his instructions, prompting him to commit the aforementioned act. 

The police further indicated ongoing interrogation of the accused. However, the exact motive remains unclear at this stage. It has been noted that 8-year-old Preeti Lodhi is the daughter of Tej Singh’s first wife. Tej Singh works at a tent house presently and resides in a rented accommodation in Teela Jamalpur. Originally, he hails from Sagar.

Preeti Lodhi Admitted to Hamidia Hospital

Preeti Lodhi is currently admitted to Hamidia Hospital, accompanied by her mother. Both the mother and the child have recounted a disturbing account of events. They narrate that it was getting dark when her father stopped the car to urinate. Suddenly, someone approached from behind, offered money, and slit her throat. However, in the statement provided later that night, Preeti accused her father of being the assailant. She informed the police that her father was the one who cut her throat.

Tragic Incident: Father Strangles 4-Month-Old Son in Bhopal

In Bhopal, a father committed the heinous act of strangling his four-month-old son to death. The motive behind this brutal act stemmed from a disagreement: his wife objected to returning home with her intoxicated husband late at night. Enraged by this, the father pulled the child from his wife’s arms and choked him to death. As the infant’s cries ceased, the assailant fled the scene. The mother and her relatives rushed the child to the hospital, where doctors pronounced him dead. The police swiftly apprehended the suspect from Mubarakpur, Bhopal.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.