
Amit Shah Unveils Nehru’s Letter: Admits Mistake Taking Kashmir Issue to UN in Lok Sabha

On the third day of the winter session of Parliament, which falls on December 6, Amit Shah, the Home Minister, addressed the assembly during discussions on the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Bill. In his statement, Shah quoted Jawaharlal Nehru, revealing that Nehru had, at a certain point, communicated to Sheikh Abdullah expressing regret over the decision to bring the Kashmir issue to the United Nations. This disclosure by the Home Minister sparked a strong reaction from the opposition, including the Congress, who raised objections to Shah’s statement. In response, Shah clarified that he merely reiterated what Nehru himself had conveyed to Abdullah, emphasizing the historical context of his remarks.

Additionally, Amit Shah pointed out that the ceasefire in Kashmir was implemented at a time when the Indian army was on the verge of securing a victory in the region. Shah suggested that the outcome of this decision was the transformation of Indian Kashmir into Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK), attributing this development to what he characterized as a mistake made by Jawaharlal Nehru. This observation by the Home Minister underscores the perceived ramifications of historical decisions on the territorial integrity of the region.

Amit Shah’s Special Speech to Lok Sabha

Amit Shah addressed the Lok Sabha in a special session, emphasizing the significance of the bill under discussion. He commended the absence of objections during the six-hour debate on the bill, emphasizing its positive intent to grant rights to historically neglected individuals. Some members of the opposition attempted to undermine the bill, contending that it merely involved a name change. Shah underscored the importance of the name, suggesting that respect is inherently tied to nomenclature.

The Home Minister contextualized the bill by referencing the historical changes in Jammu and Kashmir since Maharaja Hari Singh’s decision to merge the region. He highlighted the prolonged period of terrorism and the neglect of displaced people, criticizing those responsible for their indifference while addressing the displaced. The bill, according to Shah, aims to provide representation to those affected by these historical events.

Shah detailed the displacement of 41,844 families from Jammu and Kashmir in 1947, 1965, and 1971, asserting that this bill will grant them rights. He stressed the sanctity of democracy, linking it to a sacred delimitation process, which he referred to as “judicial demarcation.” Two seats in the bill are designated for displaced individuals from the Ghats, along with five nominated members, resulting in a total of 114 seats in Jammu and Kashmir instead of the previous 107.

The Home Minister criticized the Congress for allegedly obstructing the progress of backward communities and questioned why the Backward Classes Commission did not receive constitutional status earlier. He credited the Narendra Modi government for conferring constitutional status on the commission.

In response to opposition queries about the impact in Kashmir, Shah outlined positive developments, including the establishment of two AIIMS facilities, the opening of multiplexes, and the construction of four theaters after the abrogation of Article 370. He highlighted the flourishing film industry in Kashmir and the absence of incidents like stone-pelting, attributing these changes to the government’s efforts in stopping terror funding and the removal of Article 370.

Slogans Were Raised in the House Over the Cow Urine Statement, Then the DMK MP Apologized

On the third day of the winter session of Parliament, today, December 6, a notable incident unfolded as slogans were raised in the House in response to a statement about cow urine. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) initiated the day by demanding an apology from DMK MP Senthil Kumar regarding his remarks on cow urine.

Amid the commotion, Senthil Kumar issued an apology in the Lok Sabha, expressing regret for any hurt caused by his statement. He stated, “If the sentiments of any member or class were hurt by the statement given by me yesterday, I withdraw my statement. I regret it.”

The controversy erupted on Tuesday when Senthil Kumar commented that the BJP’s electoral strength lies in winning states in the Hindi belt, commonly referred to as “cow urine states.” This remark sparked a significant uproar in the House. Notably, the statement made by Senthil Kumar has been expunged from the official records of the Lok Sabha.

In addition to this incident, the Lok Sabha is scheduled to discuss the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Amendment Bill today. Home Minister Amit Shah presented this bill on Tuesday. If approved, the bill will allocate two seats for Kashmiri Pandits and one for people displaced from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) in the Parliament.

The BJP Labeled Senthil’s Statement as an Insult to Sanat Tradition

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) denounced Senthil’s statement as an affront to the Sanat tradition. Furthermore, the BJP’s perceived challenges in gaining political traction in southern states have raised concerns. There is apprehension that, faced with electoral difficulties, the BJP might consider transforming states in South India into union territories, akin to the governance model applied in Kashmir, allowing rule through appointed governors.

Union Minister Meenakshi Lekhi characterized Senthil’s statement as disrespectful to the Sanat tradition. Naval Kishore Yadav, a BJP leader from Bihar, remarked that individuals who denigrate Hindi-speaking states may need psychological intervention. In contrast, Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chaudhary distanced himself from Senthil’s statement.

Senthil Kumar promptly issued an apology on Tuesday for his controversial remarks. He conveyed his regret on a social media platform, stating, “Commenting on the results of the current assembly elections in five states, I have used a word incorrectly. I apologize for that.” The apology was made in response to the backlash generated by his statement regarding the BJP’s strength in states referred to as “cow urine states.”

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.