BJP-Kshatriya Meeting Ends in Failure: Kshatriya Leader Asserts Unity, Bhupendra Singh Indicates Party Decision Ahead
The Rajput community is agitated over the controversial statement made by BJP’s Lok Sabha candidate Purushottam Rupala. Yesterday, a meeting between BJP’s state president C.R. Patil and Rajput warriors was organized. Today, a core committee meeting of the Rajput community was held at the Rajput Bhavan in the city’s Goti area. Earlier, a meeting of the core committee of the Rajput community was held at a hotel above the ESJI Highwave. Padmavati Vala Goti arrived at the Rajput Bhavan in Rajkot. Four female members also came from Ahmedabad. No decision was made in today’s meeting, and it remained unsuccessful. Kshatriya warriors demanded from BJP leaders to revoke Rupala’s ticket.
Demand from Kshatriyas – Change of Candidate Instead of Rupala
After the meeting, it was announced by Bhupendrasingh Chudasama that today we had a meeting with the core committee. Kshatriya warriors were present. Talks were held with the core committee. Rupala asked for forgiveness within 30 minutes. Mafi was sought for Gondal, even the state president apologized. We have presented the matter to the core committee. Everyone has apologized. The only demand from everyone is to change the candidate instead of Rupala. Today, Kshatriya warriors came to discuss Rupala’s apology. We do not accept it; that’s what the core committee said. We will request the party. Whatever discussion took place in the meeting will be presented in the party. No decision was made in today’s meeting. BJP leaders have only one demand before them, to change Rupala’s ticket on Rajkot seat.
Discussion on Women’s Dignity
Tripthiba Raoal announced that we accept democracy, but today’s politics has degraded to a lower level. Today’s leaders have stooped low in politics. Today, we have made all demands and discussed the dignity of our Women. Padmavati, who came down the road at the time of the incident, the incidents like that should not happen, so the coordination committee is working. The request made by Rupala is also supported by BJP. Questions are now raised on mother and sisters. If the Ramrajya comes again, the situation of sisters and daughters will not be in Ramrajya.
No Two Opinions in Society
Padminibaa Vala stated that this fight is about the honor of the Kshatriya society and the respect of sisters and daughters. There are no two opinions in society. Whatever decision will be made, it will be taken in front of sisters and daughters. We have only one demand that the ticket of Purushottam Rupala should be canceled.
Appeal for Forgiveness Made by Chudasama
Karansinh Chavda announced that Bhupendrasingh Chudasama had appealed to us. Bhupendrasingh Chudasama had appealed to us to forgive, this society believes in forgiveness. Forgiveness is sought even in the past. We are appealing to them to forgive, we believe that the opinion of the society should be changed. The candidate Purushottam Rupala should be given forgiveness. The appeal made by Purushottam Rupala should be accepted. Opposition to the Kshatriya society will continue until their candidacy is not revoked.

Opposition Won’t Withdraw Until Candidate’s Withdrawal
The head of the Rajput community’s core committee, Karansinh Chavda, stated that BJP candidates had come to seek support for the upcoming elections. It was mentioned that the community’s support was sought by the government and the BJP. Today, a meeting was held. All Rajput organizations had submitted requests. We heard from the BJP. We made only one request that the withdrawal of the Rajkot Lok Sabha candidate and Minister Purushottam Rupala’s Rajkot candidacy be withdrawn. Until his candidacy is not withdrawn, there will be opposition from the Kshatriya community.
BJP Hike: How Important are Rajputs?
Karansinh emphasized that this was the final meeting. No more meetings were scheduled. There are 75 lakh Rajputs in Gujarat and 22 crore in the country. Let BJP leadership know that for you, Rupala is important, but for Rajput society, Rajputs are important. Tell all sisters not to fill any pages like Jauhar. This battle is the battlefield. Now it’s not just Rajkot, but it will spread across Gujarat. This movement is only in front of Purushottam Rupala. If Rupala’s ticket is not withdrawn, there will be an impact on the 26 seats. Our 400 brothers and sisters will contest from Rajkot. It will start from Rajkot now. Posters, banners, protests, etc., will be part of the strategy.
Meeting Between BJP and Kshatriya Candidates
A meeting was held between the main leaders of the BJP and the Rajput community’s core committee. In the BJP, Deepaksinh Jadeja, Bhupendrasinh Chudasama, Hakubha Jadeja, Balvantsinh Rajput, Jaydrathsinh Parmar, Veerbhadrasinh Jadeja, I.K. Jadeja were present. From the Kshatriya community, Karansinh Chavda, Triptiba Raol, Vijaysinh, Ashwinsinh Sarvaiya, Sukhdevsinh Vaghela were added to the core committee.

Some Allowed Entry, Others Filled with Anger
A meeting was held between the core committee and BJP’s Kshatriya candidates regarding the core committee and the BJP’s Kshatriya candidates at the Rajput Bhavan. After the meeting, discussions will be held between BJP’s Kshatriya leaders and members of the committee along with various Rajput organizations in Gujarat. Discussions were held with some key leaders of the Kshatriya community and the main representatives of the Rajput community. Some prominent candidates were allowed entry. Others were filled with anger because entry was not allowed to everyone. After these main representatives spoke, everyone was urged to join hands and request that after the completion of this meeting, discussions will be held with all organizations’ representatives.
Maladhari Community Reacts to Rupala’s Request
The Maladhari community has also reacted to the controversial request from the Kshatriya society led by Rupala. The Rajput community’s movement has been openly supported by the Maladhari community. A meeting of Maladhari leaders’ representatives is held at Ahmedabad’s Meghani Nagar’s Prem Anand Ashram. Subsequently, the Gopalak Samiti has issued a public notice to start re-fighting against the AMC’s zoning policy.

Appeal to Chief Minister for Action on Community Issues
There has been a request made to the Chief Minister of Gandhinagar regarding community issues. The Malharis have conveyed that the decisions taken regarding the Rajput community matters have been unjust, which has caused dissatisfaction among the Gopalak community. In terms of law enforcement, there is no opposition from the Dhori police, as they only apprehend those who are caught at home. An announcement has been made to submit a memorandum for an appeal at the Gandhinagar Lok Sabha meeting on April 6th, to address the issue of discrepancies in the indexing for the retention of the Dhori police in the AMC policy. If no action is taken by April 6th, then on April 15th, a protest will be organized by the Gopalak community at the Chief Minister’s residence in Gandhinagar. The Gopalaks have also pledged not to support the BJP in the elections and have urged others to refrain from voting for the BJP as well.
Demand for Change in Kshatriya Community Leadership
There is an ongoing demand within the Kshatriya community to change leadership. BJP State President C.R. Patil and those who are leaders of Kshatriya initiatives within the BJP had taken an oath not to give their vote to the BJP if justice was not received. Moreover, disrespectful comments made by some members of the warrior society have been condemned, and full support has been extended to the warrior society regarding this matter.
Patil’s Appeal to be a Discussion Point in Meeting
The appeal made by Patil will also be discussed in the meeting. A meeting was held today with representatives of various 92 organizations of the Rajput society of Gujarat to discuss and make decisions. Around noon, the main core committee of the Rajput society, which included representatives like Ashwin Sinh Sarvaiya, Sukhdevsinh Vaghela, Truptiba Raol, Ramjubha Jadeja, convened. In this meeting, held in the afternoon, representatives of the Kshatriya initiatives within the BJP were also present.

Kshatriya Society Remains Unyielding on Denying Ticket to Rupala
After a core committee meeting yesterday afternoon, former Home Minister of the state, Pradipsinh Jadeja, former Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama, former Minister Kiritsinh Rana, Jaydrathsinh Parmar, I.K. Jadeja, and BJP leaders along with Balvantsinh Rajput had a meeting with the core committee. Following the meeting convened by C.R. Patil, discussions were held to resolve the dispute. It was agreed that the candidacy of Purushottam Rupala should not be withdrawn. According to the consensus of the entire Kshatriya community, it is essential for the entire Kshatriya community to have a unified stance, which means no forgiveness, but a change in the candidate. The Kshatriya society is firm on not giving the ticket to Rupala.
Less Anger Post Meeting Yesterday, Says Patil
After the meeting yesterday, C.R. Patil stated that there hasn’t been much anger post the meeting. He informed that for the past few days, there has been growing resentment in society due to a comment made by BJP candidate Purushottam Rupala about the Kshatriya community. Despite three apologies, the anger didn’t subside. The BJP leaders, including Bhupendrasinh, Kesrisinh, Mahendrasinh, I.K. Jadeja, and Balvantsinh were present in the meeting with the Chief Minister and organization’s general secretary. Now that they have apologized, the Kshatriya society, holding a large heart, forgives them.

Rupala Submits Controversial Statement on March 23
Purushottam Rupala submitted a controversial statement regarding the Kshatriya community’s demand at a public event of the Valmiki community held last Tuesday. In the public event on March 23, he said that when the British were in India, they were oppressive, and the kings engaged in exploitation, but my Rajput community did not change their religion or their behavior. Even Ram came because of them after 1000 years. They never bowed their swords. Neither did they bow out of fear nor out of hunger. This is the heritage of the eternal religion, which I am proud of.
Rupala Releases Apology Video Amidst Controversy
Following the controversy, Purushottam Rupala released an apology video, where he mentioned that he had spoken at a public event of the Valmiki community in Rajkot. The video went viral, and the Kshatriya community expressed anger. In the video, prominent figures of the Kshatriya community, including Bhupendrasinh Chudasama, Rajya Sabha MP Kesari Dev Singhji – Vankaner State, Rajkot’s Rajvi Mahendrasinh Jadeja, and others have expressed their views. They have expressed their dissatisfaction with the Kshatriya society and Rajvi family. They said that they had expressed their displeasure. Therefore, I sincerely apologize to the Kshatriya society or the Rajvi family for any anger. Therefore, I request that this matter be fully resolved here.

Rupala Apologizes with Folded Hands, “I Seek Forgiveness”
Purushottam Rupala, who arrived at the Kshatriya community meeting in Shemaliya village last Friday, once again apologized, saying, “I apologize again before I start my conversation.” I feel the same way I express. I also feel the resentment that has spread in the Kshatriya society due to a statement made by me for one request. Therefore, I express my feelings before I express myself. I had a conversation with Jayrajsinhbhai, who sometimes welcomes me with drums and trumpets when I go to the election assembly. No one except the Kshatriyas can do this. It is not possible otherwise. It’s a big honor for me that this sentence came out of my mouth. There is no record of such a request in my entire life.