
Rukmini Devi of Rajpipla Condemns Rupala’s Statement

The controversy sparked by comments made by the BJP candidate Purushottam Rupala during the Rajkot Lok Sabha meeting has left the entire Kshatriya community displeased. Despite Rupala apologizing twice, the anger within the Kshatriya community hasn’t subsided. Their demand is clear – either retract Rupala’s candidacy or face backlash in the form of anti-BJP voting. Even within the Rajvi family, opposition against Rupala has been noted. Maharani Rukmini Devi of Rajpipala has made a significant plea, urging Rupala to change his mindset. She stated that forgiveness is not always forthcoming and mistakes cannot simply be brushed aside.

‘Narendra Modi Wronged by Giving Ticket to Such a Candidate’

Maharani Rukmini Devi of the Rajvi family disclosed that Rupala’s false representation of the Rajput kings engaging in trade with the Mughals is highly objectionable. Rajputs have made sacrifices, often giving up their lives, and therefore, any opposition against Rupala is justified. Rupala’s mindset is flawed. Narendra Modi’s decision to give him a ticket was a mistake. While Rupala may seek forgiveness, forgiveness isn’t granted within the Rajput community. If anyone errs, we don’t just overlook it; we remember it.

‘No Forgiveness for Those Speaking Against Kings and Kingdoms’

It has been further stated that the opposition against Rupala by the Rajput community is legitimate and should continue. While Rupala may apologize, his ideology remains unchanged. His ticket being given by Narendra Modi is a mistake. The Rajkot seat is a general seat; others can be given tickets instead of Rupala. Even Kshatriyas within the BJP can be given tickets because Kshatriyas are capable. Sacrifices made by Rajputs have now transformed into statues and unity. Maharani’s anger was expressed.

In Rajkot, the public announcement regarding the esteemed Purushottam Rupala has stirred up anger within the Rajput community. The collector has been approached, demands have been made to withdraw the candidacy of Purushottam Rupala, and with BJP refusing to retract his ticket, opposition in the state has intensified. Attempts have been made by state leaders and even Purushottam Rupala to seek forgiveness and mitigate the situation, but the opposition remains unabated.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.