
MH370 Mystery Unveiled: Pilot Orchestrated Conspiracy, Shut Engine Mid-Air; Vanished 10 Years Ago

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 remains an enigma to this day. Vanishing in March 2014 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, the flight’s mystery continues to baffle investigators and the public alike. Now, an expert has come forward with a chilling assertion: the aircraft may have been intentionally flown into a remote ocean trench. 

According to Simon Hardy, a pilot of British Boeing 777, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah orchestrated the flight’s crash into the depths of the sea. This claim has emerged from pre-departure documents, shedding new light on the perplexing case of MH370’s disappearance.

Zaharie Ahmad Shah

Pre-Takeoff Alterations Indicate Captain’s Plan

According to a report by British media outlet ‘The Independent,’ expert Simon Hardy has revealed that alterations were made to the cargo manifest of the aircraft, including additional fuel and oxygen, before takeoff. 

These adjustments occurred prior to takeoff, signaling that Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah had formulated a plan to crash the aircraft. Another significant detail is that the only modification made during pre-takeoff procedures was an increase in oxygen levels in the cockpit.

Evidence of Planning Emerges

Hardy also mentioned that the discovery of deployed flaps upon reaching the Réunion Island indicates that until the end of the flight, a pilot was actively involved. The pilot of MH370 attempted to avoid fuel exhaustion over water, indicating a deliberate effort to avoid ditching the plane in water, as locating the crash site in the ocean has proven elusive.

Meanwhile, Texas-based company Ocean Infinity claims to possess the crash location of MH370. The company has proposed to the Malaysian government to initiate a new search in the Indian Ocean.

This image is from Kuala Lumpur Airport, where information about flight MH370 was last displayed before takeoff on March 8, 2014.

Crash Site Possibly in the Southern Indian Ocean

Expert Hardy asserted that the aircraft was under the pilot’s control until the final moments. Before initiating the U-turn and prior to the crash, cabin pressure was reduced to incapacitate passengers for evacuation. This caused discomfort for those attempting to breathe, indicating deliberate actions to render them unconscious.

Hardy stated, “I’ve looked at satellite images, and I think I know where the crash location is. It’s outside the official search area. The crash site could be in the vicinity of the Gilleon Fracture Zone in the Southern Indian Ocean.”

MH370 Disappeared 38 Minutes After Takeoff

On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing with 239 passengers onboard, according to reports from the South China Morning Post. Approximately 38 minutes after takeoff, the aircraft vanished from radar.

Search efforts involved 18 ships, 19 aircraft, and 6 helicopters from 26 countries. After months of search operations, the search was suspended in 2017. However, in 2019, the American company Ocean Infinity announced plans to resume the search operation.

Experts believe they tracked the aircraft’s final path by monitoring disturbances in radio frequencies worldwide. This revealed unusual patterns in the aircraft’s trajectory above the sea, indicating deliberate actions such as deliberately shutting down the aircraft engines.

This picture is of passengers who were on board flight MH370.

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding the Disappearance of MH370

In aviation, one aircraft flying behind another is often concealed by the wake turbulence of the leading aircraft. In technical terms, this is called a single blip. There are concerns that Malaysian Boeing aircraft could have exploited this on the day of the disappearance by deliberately diverting its course away from the world’s attention and heading to a secret location.

A Russian source claimed that a Boeing aircraft flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing changed its course over the Pacific Ocean, avoiding detection by U.S. Navy radar. Warnings were raised when the plane failed to return to its scheduled route, prompting interception by U.S. Navy aircraft.

The aircraft’s path was straight, indicating that pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah engaged autopilot mode. Amidst this, there were claims that the aircraft maintained contact, but it was severed. Flight number MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur at 12:41 PM. Exactly 38 minutes later, the plane’s transponder was disabled. The transponder, controlled by Air Traffic Control (ATC), communicates the aircraft’s position and route to the ground. Disabling the transponder would mean the plane could vanish from radar.

Countries involved in the search overlooked the possibility that the aircraft’s disappearance could be linked to Taliban involvement or that terrorists could have evaded radar detection by clandestinely diverting the aircraft to a base in Afghanistan.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.