
US President Biden Skips India’s Republic Day; Quad Meeting Postponed Amidst Disagreements

In a notable development, it has been officially communicated that President Joe Biden will not be attending India’s Republic Day celebrations in 2024, despite an invitation extended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for him to serve as the chief guest. The announcement was made by Eric Garcetti, the United States Ambassador to India. Additionally, the anticipated Quad Summit scheduled to take place in India in January, coinciding with Republic Day, has been postponed.

Divergent Views on India’s Quad Meeting Schedule; Reflecting on Past Republic Day Visits by U.S. Presidents

According to the news agency ANI, there appears to be a variance in perspectives among other nations regarding India’s proposed schedule for the Quad meeting. The Quad, a strategic forum comprising the United States, India, Japan, and Australia, plays a pivotal role in shaping regional geopolitics. The divergence of opinions on the meeting schedule emphasizes the intricacies involved in coordinating multilateral engagements and aligning diverse national interests.

Notably, the last time a sitting U.S. President attended India’s Republic Day celebrations was in 2015, when President Barack Obama participated in the festivities. During his three-day visit, President Obama engaged in various diplomatic and cultural events, including a notable joint appearance with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the Mann Ki Baat program.

Uncertainty Surrounds U.S. Response to Republic Day Invitation; Scheduling Challenges Impact Quad Member Participation

As India extends invitations for its Republic Day celebrations, the anticipated participation of U.S. President Joe Biden remains unconfirmed, adding an element of uncertainty to the diplomatic landscape. The absence of a definitive response from the United States introduces a layer of complexity to the planning of this significant event.

Compounding the intricacies, Australia, a member of the Quad, shares its national day with India on January 26. Consequently, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese faces scheduling constraints that prevent his participation in the Quad meeting during this period. The overlap of national celebrations underscores the challenges associated with aligning the calendars of key leaders within the Quad framework.

Regrettably, these scheduling challenges extend beyond Australia, potentially impacting the participation of Japanese Prime Minister Fumiya Kishida in the Quad meeting hosted by India. As a result, the prospects of a comprehensive Quad summit in the envisaged timeframe appear increasingly uncertain.

Quad Summit Postponed to 2023, Shifts from Sydney to Hiroshima

The Quad summit, originally slated for 2023, experienced a shift in its location and schedule, with Hiroshima, Japan, serving as the host city. Initially planned for Sydney, Australia, the summit encountered a postponement, initiated at the request of U.S. President Joe Biden amidst the concurrent debt crisis in America. Subsequently, alternative arrangements were made through consultations with the G7 countries.

During the convened 2023 Quad meeting in Hiroshima, Prime Minister Narendra Modi officially announced that the 2024 summit would be hosted in India. The commitment to hold the meeting in India signaled a strategic decision, requiring the attendance of all member states’ leaders. Notably, the Quad’s rotating presidency, which changes hands annually among member states, is slated to be held by Japan in 2023.

The decision to postpone the 2023 summit and the subsequent relocation from Sydney to Hiroshima underscores the intricate dynamics influencing international gatherings. The shifting of the Quad meeting venue reflects a collaborative approach among member states in response to prevailing circumstances, such as the debt crisis in the United States.

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, commonly known as the Quad, holds significant importance for India due to several strategic and geopolitical considerations. The Quad is a coalition of four major Indo-Pacific democracies – the United States, Japan, Australia, and India – which collaboratively address regional and global challenges. Here are key reasons why the Quad is important for India:

  • Countering China’s Rise: One of the primary motivations for India’s involvement in the Quad is to collectively address and counterbalance China’s economic and military ascendancy. As China’s influence grows in the region, the Quad provides a platform for India to collaborate with like-minded nations to ensure regional stability and balance of power.
  • Border Dispute with China: India and China have a longstanding border dispute, and tensions in the border regions have flared up periodically. By participating in the Quad, India enhances its diplomatic and strategic leverage, potentially deterring aggressive actions along its borders. The alliance can serve as a means for diplomatic support in the face of regional challenges.
  • Security and Defense Cooperation: The Quad facilitates enhanced security and defense cooperation among member nations. This collaboration includes joint military exercises, intelligence sharing, and the development of a collective response mechanism to regional security threats. For India, this translates into increased preparedness and resilience against potential challenges.
  • Diplomatic Leverage: Active participation in the Quad allows India to diversify its diplomatic engagements and reduce dependence on any single ally. By aligning with major democratic powers, India gains diplomatic leverage that can be utilized not only in the Quad framework but also in broader international forums.
  • Balancing Chinese Influence: India’s engagement in the Quad is seen as a diplomatic strategy to balance Chinese influence in the Indo-Pacific region. By actively participating in a coalition that includes other major regional players, India contributes to a multipolar balance that helps prevent any one nation from dominating the region.
  • Promoting Rule-Based Order: The Quad emphasizes adherence to a rule-based international order, including respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity, and peaceful resolution of disputes. This aligns with India’s diplomatic principles and commitment to international norms, fostering an environment conducive to peaceful coexistence.
  • Economic Cooperation: In addition to security and defense cooperation, the Quad aims to enhance economic ties among member nations. For India, this presents opportunities for economic growth and diversification of trade partnerships, reducing dependence on any single market.

In summary, the Quad provides India with a strategic platform to address security concerns, counterbalance regional dynamics, and foster economic cooperation, all of which contribute to India’s broader diplomatic and national security objectives in the Indo-Pacific region.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.