Comprehensive Navratri Women’s Safety Plan: Mandatory Lighting in Dark Spots, CCTV in Party Plots, Shops, and Restaurants for Secure Garba
As the world-renowned Navratri festival of Gujarat’s Garba is just a few days away, Ahmedabad city police have prepared a foolproof action plan focusing on women’s safety. To ensure no breach of safety for any woman and to prevent any miscreants from harassing young women or girls, mandatory lighting will be installed in parking areas and dark spots around party plots and Garba grounds.
Additionally, shops and restaurants along the route to the Garba grounds will be required to install CCTV cameras. Furthermore, the “She Team” will keep a close watch on miscreants disguised in traditional attire.

Female Officers in Traditional Dress to Monitor Garba Venues by She Team
An action plan has been developed by the Ahmedabad Women’s Police Station. A list will be prepared of all Garba events, whether big or small, held in city police station areas, including those in streets or societies.
The Crime Branch will inspect these locations for security measures, and if CCTV cameras are not present, they will be asked to install them. In addition, with the help of the local police, the Crime Branch will reach party plots during Garba events to organize special security arrangements.
Female police officers in traditional dress will monitor the party plots to ensure that no youth engages in harassment, and any such behavior will result in legal action.
CCTV Cameras to Ensure Close Monitoring During Navratri
Regarding women’s safety during Navratri, ACP Himala Joshi from the Ahmedabad Women’s Police Station stated that the Crime Branch will create a venue list in coordination with the local police. Organizers will be required to install CCTV cameras in areas surrounding the venues, as well as at nearby hotels, restaurants, food stores, and commercial places.
Additionally, CCTV cameras will closely monitor traffic signals, crossroads, main roads, and inner streets. Shops and food stalls along the roads will be under 24-hour CCTV surveillance. Furthermore, in areas around the venue where lighting is insufficient or absent, adequate lighting and CCTV cameras will be installed to ensure comprehensive security.
Anti-Romeo Squad to be Deployed for Navratri Security
In addition, ACP Himala Joshi mentioned that special teams will be formed for Navratri by the Ahmedabad Women’s Police Station, covering both the East and West zones, along with IUCAW. Female police officers in traditional attire will blend into the crowds at party plots, keeping a close watch on the people around them.
This will allow them to catch miscreants engaging in harassment. An Anti-Romeo Squad will also be established, with all team members visiting party plots in traditional dress. Thus, it won’t always be apparent that the police are present, as they may not always arrive in uniform or official vehicles. They could arrive at venues in any vehicle, dressed traditionally, to maintain vigilant security.