Rajkot RTO Issues Notice to 1,223 Vehicle Owners for Unpaid Fees: Failure to Respond within 15 Days Risks Seizure
The Rajkot RTO office has started issuing notices to vehicle owners who have not paid their taxes for the first time in the history of the office. A total of 1,223 vehicles are being issued Revenue Recovery Certificates (RRC) through the Deputy Collector for not paying taxes for 2 to 8 years. Notices are being issued for the recovery of taxes exceeding 20 crores from vehicle owners who have not paid taxes for years, resulting in 68 lakhs being recovered from 178 vehicle owners, including school buses. This ensures that while parents pay school bus fees promptly, the overdue taxes are not being paid. Action will be taken against the stable and mobile assets of vehicle owners who have not paid taxes, and they may lose ownership rights over their vehicles.
List Compiled of Unpaid Taxes
Rajkot’s RTO in-charge officer Ketan Khapade stated that according to the Motor Vehicle Act and the Motor Vehicle Tax Act, any vehicle must pay taxes. However, there are many vehicles that have not paid taxes for years. Therefore, a list of such vehicles has been compiled, and they have been sent to the RRC for processing, and Revenue Recovery Certificates are being issued by Deputy Collector Heer Vanjani.
Notices Sent to 1,223 Vehicle Owners in 7 Months
It has been reported that in the last 7 months, the Rajkot RTO office has issued notices to 1,223 vehicle owners for not paying taxes. Of these, 178 vehicle owners have paid their taxes after receiving notices. Notices were issued to recover taxes amounting to 20,99,17,637 rupees, of which 68,85,116 rupees have been recovered from 178 vehicle owners who paid the fines promptly.

Response Required Within 15 Days of Notice
It has been further revealed that the Rajkot RTO office has compiled a list of vehicle owners who have not paid taxes for years, and these lists have been sent to the Deputy Collector’s office in respective talukas for issuing notices. These notices inform vehicle owners that if they do not respond within 15 days of receiving the notice, action will be taken against their stable and mobile assets. This means that if vehicle owners do not pay their overdue taxes, strict action will be taken against their ownership rights.
Educational Institutions’ Buses Also Included
It has been informed to them that notices are being issued to vehicle owners. Most of these are large goods vehicles. Special purpose vehicles, buses, taxis, and maxis are also included. Educational institutions also have buses. If they fail to pay the fare within the stipulated time, they will have to take action to recover the dues from the vehicle owners and jointly manage assets. Vehicle owners whose fare remains unpaid will be on the vehicle blacklist, and such vehicle owners will not be able to perform any kind of transaction. Tasks such as name change, vehicle transfer, fitness, or permit cannot be carried out.
7,000 Vehicles Blacklisted
Several vehicles have been blacklisted by the Rajkot RTO as it was found that they have not paid the fare. About 7,000 such vehicles have been blacklisted. Furthermore, 1,223 vehicles whose fare has not been paid have been issued RRCs by the RTO. If a vehicle owner does not pay the tax, action may be taken to recover the ownership or impose fines. It has also been stated that the process of imposing fines on ownership has started, but this process is very lengthy. It involves searching for the assets or property of vehicle owners and then imposing fines. Some vehicle owners, whose assets or property are not found, and against whom there are overdue rent agreements, also face the risk of default.
9 Educational Institutions Have Not Paid Bus Fare
Rajkot and Kharchiya’s Saraswati Education and Charitable Trust, Movieani Sai Education Trust, and Ultra Education and Charitable Trust from Jetpur, along with 1 from Jetpur, a total of 9 buses operated by educational institutions have not paid the fare for the last 4 years, and therefore, they have been receiving notices.