
Protect Your Heart: Stress Multiplies Heart Attack Risk – Expert Insights

Constant Fear of Heart Attacks due to Ongoing Cases

The fear of heart attacks constantly lingers in the minds of people. In recent days, even young individuals are succumbing to heart attacks. The disease of heart attack does not spare anyone, irrespective of their age. From small children to young adults, anyone can become a victim of this condition. In this situation, it has become essential to be vigilant about your heart health.

Today’s Expert: Dr. Nagendra Singh Chauhan, Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Heart Institute, Medanta Hospital, Gurugram.

Q: What Are the Symptoms That Indicate Your Heart is Unhealthy?

Answer: Heart health can be indicated by various symptoms, but these symptoms can manifest in different ways.

Q: What Are the Reasons for a Weak Heart and an Increased Risk of Heart Attacks Even at a Young Age?

Answer: The most concerning fact is that the average age for heart attacks used to be 60 years or above. However, today, heart disease is affecting people of all ages, and this is a major concern. Let’s shed some light on a few key factors:

Poor Lifestyle: Regularly consuming fast food and outside meals instead of a healthy diet.

Stress: The biggest enemy of heart health is stress, which comes in various forms, including financial, family-related stress, workload, and job pressures.

Lack of Exercise: To maintain good health, it is very important to engage in physical activity for 6-8 hours daily. Late-night mobile phone usage is one of the biggest causes.

Genetics: If there is a history of heart disease or someone in the family has suffered a heart attack, then one should be more vigilant.

Excessive Exercise: People who used to exercise excessively during the lockdown have also become victims of heart attacks. Remember, excess of anything is harmful.

Q: How to Take Care of the Heart by Keeping a Focus on Increasing Heart Attacks? 

Answer: To take care of the heart medically, you need to control five medical families.

Weight: Control weight according to BMI, which is Body Mass Index.

BP: Blood pressure should be 120/80. Heart rate: It should be between 55 to 90 beats per minute.

Cholesterol: Bad cholesterol should be less than 100 mg/dl, and good cholesterol should be more than 60 mg/dl. Sugar: The level of blood sugar should be less than 126 mg/dL fasting and more than 160 mg/dL after meals.

Q: Is Cardiac Arrest the Same as a Heart Attack?

Answer: No, they are different medical terms. Many people think they are the same. Let’s understand them from a medical perspective –

When blood cannot reach the heart, a heart attack occurs, but in cardiac arrest, the heart suddenly stops working. In cardiac arrest, there is no pulse. In cardiac arrest, the heartbeat suddenly stops. In cardiac arrest, the brain and other parts of the body do not receive oxygen. Pulse and blood pressure are absent. In this condition, blood and oxygen do not reach the brain and other parts of the body. Q: Do loud noises and DJ beats have a harmful effect on the heart? Answer: Yes, they can be harmful. Exposure to sounds louder than 50 decibels can cause stress on the heart.

Q: At What Age Should One Start Taking Care of Their Heart?

Answer: In reality, there is no age limit to take care of your body or your overall health. You should always stay vigilant, but if someone in your family has had a heart attack, you need to be more cautious.

Apart from that, everyone should get their cholesterol checked at the age of 30. If it is higher, you should control it. It reduces the risk in the future.

Signs of a Heart Attack Are Easy but the Common Way to Recognize in Simple Language Are as Follow-

Give CPR immediately First, give CPR to the patient. Call the nearest relatives, relatives, friends, and ambulance, and go to the doctor. Take an aspirin tablet Put a sublingual aspirin tablet under your tongue within 30 minutes of a heart attack. Aspirin prevents clot formation in the blood, which is why blood does not clot.

Place your feet under your tongue If there is pain in the heart or chest, you should gently tap the patient’s feet under the tongue and ask for a doctor until he comes. Open the room doors and turn on the fans-AC. Ask the patient to take a deep breath slowly.

Anusha Aggarwal

My name is Anusha Aggarwal. With a deep fascination for the science behind health, hair care, skin care, and body care, I'm a dedicated writer committed to helping readers achieve optimal wellness. Through years of research and personal experience, I provide expert insights into the latest trends and techniques in the beauty and wellness.