Food & DrinkLifestyle

Food Poisoning Strikes: 98 Affected After Consuming Paneer Curry and Carrot Halwa at Wedding Feast in Gandhinagar Sector-24

During a wedding event held at Sector 24 in the city, an incident occurred where guests experienced vomiting and nausea early in the morning after a night of festivities. The event took place at a banquet hall located in Sector 24, where around 300 guests were in attendance. The menu included paneer curry and carrot halwa for the meal.

After the meal, several guests began to feel unwell and started vomiting, prompting immediate medical attention. The affected individuals were taken to the civil hospital and Sector 24 health center for treatment. The incident caused panic and chaos at the event venue.

A wedding event of a family residing in the Sector 24 apartment complex in the city took place recently. A dinner reception was organized at the Sector 24 community hall yesterday evening, and guests from Sector 24 and nearby areas attended the event. The dinner included various delicious dishes prepared for the guests.

However, after the dinner, early on Friday morning, guests at the wedding started experiencing stomach discomfort and subsequently began vomiting one after another. Due to this sudden illness, several affected guests had to be rushed to the Gandhinagar Civil Hospital and the Sector 24 Health Center for immediate medical attention. One after another, the sick guests were admitted to the hospitals for treatment.

Initially, 40 individuals were taken to receive medical care, and later, as the number of affected people increased, Dr. Kalpesh Goswami, along with his team from the municipal health department, arrived at the Sector 24 health center to handle the situation. Four additional teams were mobilized at the Sector 24 health center to manage the situation effectively.

A total of 98 individuals from the event suffered serious effects, while the rest were provided with necessary medical assistance and given time off. The health department team ensured the distribution of medications and ORS packets to everyone affected, while the site was thoroughly sanitized.

A wedding ceremony of a family residing in Sector 24 witnessed an unfortunate incident where guests experienced vomiting episodes with symptoms of food poisoning. Both the bride and groom hail from Sector 24.

During the wedding reception, which saw the attendance of 300 guests, 200 were from Gandhinagar and surrounding areas, while the remaining 100 were from Udaipur and its vicinity in Rajasthan.

The health department promptly responded to the situation after receiving reports of vomiting among the guests. Five samples were collected for investigation. Meanwhile, the municipal health department team and the food department collected samples from the food served at the event to identify any potential contamination.

Upon receiving the reports, authorities will determine the cause of the problem. The food department will also inspect the food items to identify any adulteration. The food department responded swiftly to the food poisoning incident and took necessary actions to address the situation

Rahul Sharma

My name is Rahul Sharma. As a passionate writer and explorer, I'm always seeking inspiration in lifestyle, fashion, beauty, food & drink, and travel. With years of experience in the industry, I bring a unique perspective to my writing, blending my love for culture, style, and adventure.