
Teachers’ Peaceful Protest with Black Armbands Amid Common University Act Dispute

In Gujarat, there is a bill pending related to the Common University Act, which is being protested against by student organizations and teachers. Across the state, teachers in granted colleges have been conducting protests by tying black ribbons as they continue to teach. Earlier, demands and protests were made to the authorities.

Teachers are currently protesting against the Gujarat Common University Bill-2023. They have previously protested by wearing black ribbons for a day and also submitted petitions to the Vice-Chancellors. It is stated by the teachers that the Common University Act is applicable only to government universities and not private ones, which means the government can directly control or interfere. The Gujarat Common University Bill-2023 was discussed in a previous meeting by the teaching staff. They had made a request regarding the Act, but no action was taken. Hence, the teachers are now directly protesting in front of the government.

Protests with Black Ribbons and Keeping Education Activities Ongoing

Teachers in colleges have tied black ribbons to protest against the Gujarat Common University Act. Teachers have kept education activities going while continuing their protests. They have tied black ribbons and opposed the Act. The teachers had also done this before. This year, an attempt is being made to pass this Act again. Once this Act is implemented, the freedom of granted colleges and government universities will be compromised. Private universities are not affected by this Act, so private universities will benefit. Students will be forced to pay higher fees in private universities, which will lead to losses not only for teachers but also for students. Therefore, we are protesting. Protests will continue as they are.

Why Are Teachers Protesting?

  • The state government will gain complete authority with the enactment of the bill.
  • The state government will have a role in the appointment of Vice-Chancellors.
  • Elections for the Senate, Syndicate, and student unions will cease to exist.
  • Representation and participation of students and teachers will come to an end.
  • Decisions regarding the purchase, sale, or leasing of property will be under the control of the state government.
  • The Private University Act will be imposed.
  • Matters like promotions, transfers, and more will be under the jurisdiction of the state government.
  • Teachers’ exploitation will intensify.
  • Universities will be compelled to comply with the government’s regulations.
  • The autonomy of the university will be completely eliminated.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.