
Rajput Core Committee to Strategize in Rajkot After Meeting: Sisters to Lead Kesari Saree Rally, Brothers in Kesari Safa in the Evening

A major gathering is set to take place in Rajkot organized by the Kshatriya Samaj, amidst controversy surrounding the appeal of Lok Sabha BJP candidate Parshottam Rupala. Today, at 11 o’clock, a meeting of the Core Committee of the Rajput Samaj will be held at Harbhamjiraj Garasia Boarding on Gondal Road. 

The meeting will be chaired by national president of the Karni Sena, Mahipal Singh Makrana, under the leadership of Gujarat state chief Virbhadra Singh Jadeja. Later in the evening, at 4 o’clock, everyone will assemble at Bahumali Chowk, from where a large number of people will march to the Collector’s office to submit a memorandum. In this march, sisters will wear Kesari sarees while brothers will don Kesari turbans to show solidarity.

Kshatriyas to Unite at Bahumali Bhavan Chowk

At the crack of dawn, at 11 o’clock, a meeting will convene in Rajkot comprising eight core committee members. Discussions will revolve around strategizing the course of action regarding the appeal made by Parshottam Rupala to the Kshatriya community, which is being echoed throughout the state, including Rajkot. 

Key figures from the national and regional leadership of the Kshatriya community are expected to attend, ensuring comprehensive deliberation on the matter. Following the morning meeting, in the evening at Bahumali Bhavan Chowk in Rajkot, youth, sisters, and elders of the Kshatriya community will gather, proceeding from there to submit their memorandum at the Collector’s office, showcasing solidarity and determination.

Kshatriyas to Converge from Jamnagar, Morbi, and Surendranagar

A significant influx of sisters from districts including Jamnagar, Morbi, and Surendranagar has already begun towards Rajkot for the Maharalli. 

At 4 o’clock in the evening, a large gathering of brothers and sisters from the Kshatriya community is scheduled to assemble at Bahumali Bhavan Chowk in the city.

One Demand: Revoke Rupala’s Ticket

It is noteworthy that Parshottam Rupala’s remarks about the Kshatriya community have sparked outrage not only in Rajkot but also across the state and nation among Kshatriya communities. 

During a gathering in Gondal organized by Rupala, a public apology was sought. Subsequently, even the state BJP president C. R. Patil extended an apology to the Kshatriya community. 

However, despite the apologies, the youth and sisters of the Kshatriya community, along with Karni Sena, continue to express anger over Rupala’s statements about the Kshatriya community, demanding the revocation of Rupala’s ticket by the BJP.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.