
Taiwan Hit by 6.3 Magnitude Quake, Second in 20 Days: More Tremors Felt, China, Japan, Philippines on Alert

This month, another major earthquake struck Taiwan. Between 5 p.m. and midnight on Monday, there were over 80 aftershocks, with most registering intensities of 6.3 and 6 on the Richter scale. According to Indian time, these aftershocks occurred around a few minutes past midnight. The earthquakes were felt around 2:26 to 2:32 a.m. in Taiwan.

Epicenter Beneath Hualien

The Meteorological Department reported that the earthquake’s epicenter was located less than 5.5 kilometers below the ground in Hualien’s eastern county. Two buildings in Hualien suffered damage due to the earthquake, with one collapsing and another tilting. Mild tremors were also felt in Japan, China, and the Philippines, with no reports of casualties.

Casualties in April 3 Earthquake

On April 3, 14 people died in an earthquake. Previously, on April 3, there was an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5, resulting in approximately 14 fatalities. The earthquake primarily affected the city at that time, with its epicenter situated 34 kilometers below the surface.

Morning Tremors

Earthquake tremors were felt around 5:30 a.m. according to Indian time. Many buildings were damaged, and landslides occurred. Following this, Taiwan experienced hundreds of aftershocks.

Strongest Earthquake in 25 Years

According to Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau, this was the strongest earthquake in Taiwan in 25 years. The Fire Department reported damage to hotels from the April 3 earthquake. The increased aftershock activity has been attributed to these tremors.

Previous Earthquake

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 struck Taiwan on April 3. Nine people died, and over 930 were injured. The earthquake occurred in Hualien, eastern Taiwan, with its epicenter 34 kilometers below the surface. Japan and the Philippines also experienced its tremors.

Location on Ring of Fire

Taiwan sits on a junction of two tectonic plates, making it prone to earthquakes. In 2016, a deadly earthquake in southern Taiwan claimed over 100 lives. Prior to that, in 1999, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake killed over 2,000 people.

Annual Earthquake Frequency

Every year, thousands of earthquakes occur worldwide, but their intensities vary. The National Earthquake Information Center records approximately 20,000 earthquakes annually. Of these, about 100 are categorized as major earthquakes causing significant damage. Earthquakes last only a few seconds to minutes. The longest recorded earthquake lasted for 10 minutes and struck in the Indian Ocean in 2004, triggering a tsunami.

7.6 Magnitude Earthquake in Japan

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake occurred on January 1, 2024. A tsunami followed. In the city of Wajima, waves approximately 4 feet (1.2 meters) high were recorded. The government issued the most severe tsunami warning after the incident.

Japan’s Ring of Fire

Japan is highly susceptible to earthquakes. Earthquakes occur here frequently due to its proximity to the junction of two tectonic plates. Okinawa Prefecture, where earthquakes are experienced, lies close to the Ring of Fire—a region characterized by a horseshoe-shaped seismic fault line around the ocean.

Ring of Fire

The Ring of Fire is an expansive area where oceanic tectonic plates intersect with continental plates, leading to earthquakes. When these plates collide, earthquakes occur, causing tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. About 90% of the world’s earthquakes occur in this area, spanning 40,000 kilometers. Out of all active volcanoes worldwide, 75% are located in this region. Fifteen countries, including Japan, Russia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and New Zealand, lie along the Ring of Fire.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.