
Power Company Raids in Jambuwa-Padra: 46 Residents Fined 33 Lakh for Electricity Checks

In the midst of Gujarat, 23 teams of the Madhya Gujarat Vij Company conducted a crackdown on electricity theft in the Vadodara district, particularly in the Jambuva and Padra divisions. During this operation, the electricity company discovered that 46 individuals were involved in electricity theft and imposed fines totaling INR 33 lakhs as part of a thorough investigation.

In various villages within the Jambuva division, reports of people engaging in electricity theft became prevalent. As a result, 23 teams from the electricity company, consisting of 57 staff members, conducted investigations in villages including Dhanaiyav, Sarar, Khatamba, Divali Pura, Padra Pankhak, Samyala, Hari Pura, Bhaliya, Alhad Pura, Raghav Pura, Goksindra, Mohammad Pura, Sultan Pura, Dabhasa, Luna, Umarya, Rajpura, Gokalpura, Dariyapura, Sangma, Patod, and Zaveriyapura. During the investigation, 502 electricity connections were examined, and 27 cases of electricity theft were swiftly identified. In 27 cases, direct hooking was found to be the method of theft, while 19 cases involved tampering with connections. A total of 46 individuals were penalized with INR 33 lakhs in fines.

Fine Imposed on Firecracker Business in Khatamba

In the taluka of Khatamba in Vadodara, a firecracker business owner was fined INR 10 lakhs for electricity theft. The businessman started a firecracker shop, but due to electricity theft, a hefty fine was imposed on him. The business owner had directly hooked up electricity to his shop without an appropriate meter connection. This unauthorized electricity connection led to the imposition of a fine by the electricity company. Despite indulging in theft for some time, the perpetrator is now facing legal consequences.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.