
Boat Accident: Recommendation to De-accredit New Sunrise School by Education Regulator

The District Education Office has taken decisive action against the school in response to the incident at Harni Lake, recommending the revocation of New Sunrise School’s accreditation. Responsible educators will face disciplinary measures for their negligence in ensuring student safety. Additionally, the Right to Education Act mandates a fine of ₹10,000 or more for the school, indicating serious consequences for its role in the incident.

Investigation Report on the Harni Lake Tragedy Involving New Sunrise School

Following the tragic incident at Harni Lake, where 12 students and 2 teachers from New Sunrise School lost their lives, the state authorities ordered a comprehensive investigation by various agencies. The District Education Office in Vadodara conducted its own probe into the matter and submitted its report to District Collector Rakesh Vyas. The investigation report highlights the need for disciplinary action against accountable teachers for their negligence during the excursion at the lake. Furthermore, the report recommends the revocation of the school’s accreditation.

Accreditation Revoked for New Sunrise School by Primary Education Regulator

The Primary Education Regulator has issued a directive to revoke the accreditation of New Sunrise School. The school did not obtain any form of approval from the District Education Office for the excursion conducted. During the primary investigation, it was revealed that the administrators of New Sunrise School had declared the trip as an educational excursion within Vadodara city without the necessary approval from the District Education Office.

As per the directives of the state government, schools must obtain approval whenever students are taken to any location outside the school premises. In this regard, it was found during the initial investigation that the school alone cannot be held accountable. The school did not procure the necessary permission from the District Education Office for the excursion outside the lake zone. This discrepancy surfaced clearly during the investigation.

Incident of School Bus Mismanagement Leads to Concerns

An incident occurred where the school bus attendant was involved in an altercation. It was reported that the attendants of New Sunrise School, directed by their administrators, verbally abused the bus conductor for not allowing more students to board the bus. Moreover, due to the increased number of children to be accommodated, an altercation arose, which involved the bus operator, the manager, and other staff members. 

This incident has raised concerns regarding the accountability of those responsible for managing bus operations and ensuring student safety

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.